
Rate coefficients for several two- and three-body ion-molecule reactions involving hydrocarbons have been determined at thermal energies and above using drift tube-mass spectrometer techniques. The measured rates for clustering and breakup reactions involving CH 5 + and C 2H 5 + ions in methane are found to be strongly temperature dependent in the range from 80 to 240 K. The equilibrium constants determined for these reactions differ somewhat from those of Hiraoka and Kebarle. Rate coefficients for two-body reactions of CH 5 +, C 2H 5 +, N +, H + and D + ions with methane and/or ethane have been measured. The results indicate that the product yields of several of the fast ion-molecule reactions depend strongly on ion energy (temperature), and therefore previous room-temperature results may be of limited value for model calculations of Titan's atmosphere.

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