
A crucial question for the analysis of multi-subject and/or multi-session electroencephalographic (EEG) data is how to combine information across multiple recordings from different subjects and/or sessions, each associated with its own set of source processes and scalp projections. Here we introduce a novel statistical method for characterizing the spatial consistency of EEG dynamics across a set of data records. Measure Projection Analysis (MPA) first finds voxels in a common template brain space at which a given dynamic measure is consistent across nearby source locations, then computes local-mean EEG measure values for this voxel subspace using a statistical model of source localization error and between-subject anatomical variation. Finally, clustering the mean measure voxel values in this locally consistent brain subspace finds brain spatial domains exhibiting distinguishable measure features and provides 3-D maps plus statistical significance estimates for each EEG measure of interest. Applied to sufficient high-quality data, the scalp projections of many maximally independent component (IC) processes contributing to recorded high-density EEG data closely match the projection of a single equivalent dipole located in or near brain cortex. We demonstrate the application of MPA to a multi-subject EEG study decomposed using independent component analysis (ICA), compare the results to k-means IC clustering in EEGLAB (sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab), and use surrogate data to test MPA robustness. A Measure Projection Toolbox (MPT) plug-in for EEGLAB is available for download (sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/MPT). Together, MPA and ICA allow use of EEG as a 3-D cortical imaging modality with near-cm scale spatial resolution.

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