
Applications of harmonic analysis on finite groups are introduced to measure partition problems, with equipartitions obtained as the vanishing of prescribed Fourier transforms. For elementary abelian groups \(Z_p^k\), \(p\) an odd prime, equipartitions are by \(k\)-tuples of complex regular \(p\)-fans in \({\mathbb {C}}^d\), analogues of the famous Grünbaum problem on equipartitions in \({\mathbb {R}}^d\) by \(k\)-tuples of hyperplanes (i.e., regular 2-fans). Here the number of regions is a prime power, as usual in topological applications to combinatorial geometry. For general abelian groups, however, the Fourier perspective yields new classes of equipartitions by families of complex regular fans \(F_{q_1},\ldots , F_{q_k}\) (such as those of a “Makeev-type”), including when the number of regions is not a prime power.

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