
The article is focused on the relevance of spelling the training of future primary school teachers at the present stage of the modernization of higher education in Ukraine. It is noted that one of the promising areas of increasing the spelling of students’ literacy is the use of effective teaching aids that contribute to the development of cognitive activity, independent thinking, and the ability to critically evaluate information from the different sources. The purpose of the article is to analyze theoretical sources and practical experience for the implementation of the inventory of teaching tools that are used or can be used in the process of forming the spelling of the competence of future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical – analysis and synthesis in the processing of linguistic, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem under study; theoretical understanding and generalization of the experience of philologists and their own work experience to determine the state of work on the formation of the spelling of the competence of future primary school teachers; empirical – observation and analysis of classes in the discipline “Workshop on Ukrainian spelling” for students majoring in “Primary education”. As a result of the problem analysis, we came to the conclusion that in the conditions of modernization of education, updating its content and structure, innovative teaching tools, including electronic educational resources, graphic organizers, etc., becomes especially relevant. Effective implementation of modern teaching aids in the educational process will ensure the implementation of personality-oriented and communicatively competent approaches in the process of forming the spelling competence in future primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School.

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