
INTEREST in the application of reinforcement psychology to meaningful school learning situations has developed rapidly in the last three years. Much of the interest was generated by the development of the teaching machine and programed learning approach, which provided a technique for investigating systematically some of the variables involved. Noteworthy reviews of related literature were prepared by Krasner (1958), Salzinger (1959), Lewis (1960), Silverman (1960), Bandura (1961), and Stolurow (1961). Following Skinner's (1958) classic description of the principles and possibilities of teaching machines, there were two compilations of relevant articles, by Galanter (1959) and Lumsdaine and Glaser (1960). This chapter categorizes selected research findings under four problems in learning: (a) evoking the desired response, (b) reinforcing the desired response, (c) maintaining and improving the desired response, and (d) eliminating the undesired response. Much of the literature under these headings reported experimentation with programed materials.

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