
Every human being wonders what the meaning of life is, especially when they are going through a period of doubt, distrust or when they are suffering. It is the negative and meaningless thoughts, the low mood and our own bad habits that rob us of the vitality of life. The way a human being accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails gives him many opportunities, even in the most difficult circumstances, to give a deeper meaning to his life. Perfection is a desire that easily proposes to be the meaning of existence. So, we would do well to learn to make choices between the accommodation of fitting in and pleasing others, and our higher motives for Personal Freedom. As long as we feel freer, more relaxed and more authentic, the more we recover our motivation and enlivenment. All humans form a single biological species, only when the individual understands his motivations and goals, his behavior makes sense. The main motivation of humanity is to be free, to form our true selves and to pursue our goals. Our own reasons for exploring these reasons are often called our motivation, we can feel motivated to move forward or stop, and we are the stopper of our own life. No human value that governs the relationship between us and society would flourish if we were not motivated to bring it to life.

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