
This study explored speech-language pathologists’ and language educators’ experiences and opinions on language education or intervention services to children from multi-cultural families. An group or individual interview was used to ask language educators and speech-language pathologists about meaning and their professional experience. A total of 11 language educators and language therapists were participated. Their interviews are transcribed and analyzed for results. Both groups of participants are language education service for multicultural children are worthwhile and compensatory rather than language therapy. Language Received (June 23, 2015), Review Request(June 24, 2015), Review Result(July 08, 2015) Accepted(July 30, 2015), Published(August 31, 2015) 608-711 Dept. Communication Disorders, Tongmyong Univ., 428 Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea email: sjoh@tu.ac.kr *이 논문은 2013학년도 동명대학교 교내학술연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음(과제번호 2013A040) Meaning & Practice of language assessment and education service for multi-cultural children: interview study with multicultural language educator and language therapist Copyright c 2015 HSST 584 difference and disorder, difference of service place, awareness of difference between language therapy and language education are discussed. Two service have more things in common than difference and 2 professional participants agreed on the issue that language educator should have majored in communication disorders in large.

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