
One of the most interesting dynamics of rotating spiral waves in an excitable medium is meandering. The tip of a meandering spiral wave moves along a complex trajectory, which often takes the shape of an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid with inward or outward petals. The cycle lengths (CLs) of a meandering spiral wave are not constant; rather, they depend on the meandering dynamics. In this paper, we show that the CLs take two mean values, outside T^{out} and inside T^{in} the meandering trajectory with a ratio of T^{in}/T^{out}=(n+1)/n for the inward and (n-1)/n for the outward petals, where n is the number of petals in the tip trajectory. We illustrate this using four models of excitable media and prove this result. These formulas are shown to be suitable for a meandering spiral wave in an anatomical model of the heart. We also show that the effective periods of overdrive pacing of meandering spiral waves depend on the electrode location relative to the tip trajectory. Overall, our approach can be used to study the meandering pattern from the CL data; it should work for any type of dynamics that produces complex tip trajectories of the spiral wave, for example, for a drift due to heterogeneity.

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