
 To determine mean vertical length of labial surface display of wax rim with resting lip and during posed smile.
 Materials and Methods:
 Subjects fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were invited to take part in the study. The purpose, procedures, risk and benefits of the study were explained to them. The mentioned measurement for the vertical display of the labial surface of the occlusal rim was performed by predefined technique. All measurements were repeated 3 times and mean value deduced for entry in the data collection proforma. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17.
 Out of total 221 participants, mean age was 60± 6.64 yers. with male to female ratio of 1:1.15. Females shows shorter lip lengths while males had long lip lengths. Subjects with shorter upper lips display more maxillary rim than subjects with longer upper lips both at smile and at rest.
 It was found that males shows high proportion of long and medium upper lip while female shows high proportion of short upper lip , this can be considered as a feminine feature, as well as this also explains why conspicuous maxillary central incisors are associated with the females. It was founded a high significant differences between males and females regarding upper lip length.

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