
We study the phase diagram of the boson Hubbard model at T=0 without disorder in a one-site and a two-site mean-field approximations. The two-site mean-field significantly improves the results compared to ordinary mean-field solutions and allows to use a simple scheme of mean-field renormalization group (MFRG). Some results obtained with MFRG are even better including the critical exponents for the density-driven transition between the Mott insulator and superfluid phases. However, when we evaluate critical exponents for transitions through the tip of the insulating lobes (special transitions without density change), we get similar exponents indicating that the MFRG apparently does not distinguish between both type of transitions and places them in the same universality class. The results for the first insulating lobe in d=1 and d=2 are in good agreement with a perturbative method and with the more reliable quantum Monte Carlo results. Our MFRG method provides analytical results for any lobe in any dimension and can be systematically improved if we consider larger clusters.

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