
This research study aims to measure the nexus between that green financial management, economic development, and that system in a post-pandemic world. This paper is based on the financial profit of financial derivatives of listed companies. This paper is an analytical and calculating instrument for analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of your company's cost-benefit tradeoff, and improving management efficiency. This research is based on secondary data form, and data was collected from the world development indicators. By data was collected used different websites regarding green financial management and the post-pandemic world. This research study depends on an analysis based and for test analysis used eviews software to measure the nexus between economic development and systems, the green financial management in a post-pandemic world. This research study used different tools and techniques, including descriptive statistical analysis, the correlation coefficient, and the regression test analysis between dependent and independent variables. The unit root test and histogram graphical test analysis also presented the effect of green financial management and the post-pandemic of the world (COVID-19). For this purpose used some variables related to economic development, including gross domestic product (GDP), Per capita income (PCI), working capital (W.C.), etc. For measuring the data analysis, the overall result found an inverse (Negative) impact between green financial management and economic development due to the post-pandemic of world.

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