
The purpose of the present study was to explore the effects of a varied procurement cost on the foraging behavior of rats with fornix transection. An operant analog of foraging requirements was used to examine the feeding patterns of the animals under free feeding, low procurement cost (FR5), and high procurement cost (FR80) situations, in an environment with minimal sensory distraction. It was found that animals with fornix transection did not differ from control rats in general consumption. Both groups were also able to adapt their feeding behavior to the varied procurement cost. As the procurement cost increased, the number of meals consumed decreased while the meal duration increased. The meal patterns themselves were different for the fornix transected animals and the control group. Animals with fornix transections ate more meals over the course of a day than did control animals; their meals were of a longer duration, and their intermeal intervals were shorter than those of control animals. During the course of a meal, the rats with fornix transections took a larger number of breaks, during which they drank, explored, or engaged in activities other than eating. These differences in the feeding patterns were seen across all procurement cost levels. The data support the possibility of hippocampal involvement in behavioral organization or sequencing.

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