
Purpose:To review the anatomical landmarks of the abdominal wall lumbar region and its normal appearance on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and to briefly describe the MDCT features of lumbar hernias.Diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia due to blunt abdominal trauma requires a high index of suspicion. This study was conducted to assess the accuracy of multidetector computed tomogram (MDCT) in the diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.Diaphragmatic injuries remain a diagnostic challenge for both radiologists and surgeons. The detection of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture in the acute setting is problematic because specific clinical signs are usually not evident. Furthermore, the high frequency of associated injuries (52–100%) may distract from diaphragmatic injury. In conservatively managed patients, the rate of initially missed diaphragmatic injuries ranges from 12 to 66%, and they may even be overlooked at laparotomy. Diagnosis of a diaphragmatic injury requires a high index of suspicion, as delayed diagnosis increases the chance of visceral herniation and strangulation, which has mortality as high as 60%. Thus, the ability to detect diaphragmatic injuries with noninvasive techniques is increasingly important. Initial reports found CT to have sensitivity equal to that of chest radiography (i.e., 0–50%). Because of a dramatic reduction in motion and beam-hardening artifacts and significant improvement of spatial resolution, especially along the z-axis, helical CT and multisection CT allow better demonstration of most subtle signs of diaphragmatic herniation. In addition, these are also useful tools in the evaluation of patients with multiple traumatic injuries. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias (TDHs) are sometimes difficult to identify at an early stage and can consequently result in diagnostic delays with life-threatening outcomes. It is the aim of this case study to highlight the difficulties encountered with the earlier detection of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Methods: We performed a retrospective search of the imaging report database from November 2007 to October 2011. We retrieved the clinical data and MDCT studies of patients suffering from abdominal wall lumbar hernias. We reviewed the imaging features of abdominal lumbar hernias and compared those with the normal appearance of the lumbar region in asymptomatic individuals.We assessed variables such as age, gender, mechanism of trauma, methods of diagnosis, herniated organs and associated lesions, time of evolution, morbidity, and mortality. Anteroposterior supine chest radiograph, which was performed in all patients, was also analyzed. Computed tomogram (CT) was performed on four-slice MDCT after an IV bolus of iodinated contrast agents. A slice thickness of 4 mm at a pitch of 1.5 was useful to evaluate thorax and abdomen with reconstruction at 1 mm reconstruction increment. An oral contrast agent was given whenever required. Multiplanar reconstruction was done in sagittal and coronal planes. Images were read in lung parenchyma, soft tissues, and bone windows. Findings were analyzed in a prospective manner to evaluate their use as a diagnostic modality as well as to determine their contribution to patient management. Results:We classified lumbar wall hernias as diffuse, superior (or Grynfelt–Lesshaft) and inferior (or Petit) lumbar hernias. We briefly describe the imaging features of each subtype and review the anatomy and MDCT appearance of normal lumbar region.Currently available MDCT provides an excellent opportunity for reviewing the normal anatomy of the wall lumbar region and may be considered a useful modality for evaluating lumbar hernias.Regarding Diaphragmatic hernia following blunt trauma:MDCT is a highly accurate modality for diagnosing traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. In addition, it is fast and compatible with various life-support systems hence, it can be used in acute trauma setting for making a diagnosis and helping in the management.Delayed traumatic diaphragmatic hernias are not common, but can lead to serious consequences once occurred. Early detection of diaphragmatic injuries is crucial to prevent the occurrence of dTDHs. Surgeons should maintain a high suspicion for injuries of the diaphragm in patients who had suffered abdominal or lower chest traumas, especially during the initial surgical explorations. The need for radiographical follow-ups is emphasized to detect diaphragmatic injuries at an earlier stage.

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