
The purpose of the study was to analyze the anatomy and variations in the origin of the dorsal pancreatic artery, greater pancreatic artery and to study the various types of arterial arcades supplying the pancreas on multidetector CT (MDCT). A retrospective analysis of 747 MDCT scans was performed in patients who underwent triple phase or dual phase CT abdomen between December 2020 and October 2022. Variations in origin of Dorsal pancreatic artery (DPA), greater pancreatic artery (GPA), uncinate process branch were studied. Intrapancreatic arcade anatomy was classified according to Roman Ramos et al. into 4 types-small arcades (type I), small and large arcades (type II), large arcades (type III) and straight branches (type IV). The DPA was visualized in 65.3% (n = 488) of cases. The most common origin was from the splenic artery in 58.2% (n = 284) cases. The mean calibre of DPA was 2.05mm (1.0-4.8mm). The uncinate branch was seen in 21.7% (n = 106) with an average diameter of 1.3mm. The greater pancreatic artery was seen in 57.3% (n = 428) predominantly seen arising from the splenic artery. The most common arcade anatomy was of Type II in 52.1% (n = 63) cases. Pancreatic arterial variations are not very uncommon in daily practice. Knowledge of these variations before pancreatic surgery and endovascular intervention procedure is important for surgeons and interventional radiologist.

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