
We report the first full geometry optimizations of the dihydronium cation performed at the MCSCF level. Large basis set effects are encountered. Depending on the basis set, we found, either the C 2 symmetric or the C s asymmetric species as global minima of the purely electronic PES. However, after harmonic ZPE correction, the C 2 symmetric structure appears to be favoured. Supported by a display of MCSCF natural orbitals, we propose an analysis of the H 5O 2 + electronic structure in terms of a chemical-type binding. A “soft mattress” model of proton transfer, linked to this “chemical” picture, is set forward. MCSCF harmonic OH stretch frequencies, corrected for anharmonicity are compared with experimental data, and support the evidence of a C 2 structure. The nature of proton motions is examined through a pictorial analysis of intermolecular vibrational motions. A tentative explanation is proposed for the very wide spectra starting near 3500 cm −1 down to 800 cm −1 in concentrated acidic solutions. Prospects related to on-going large scale MCSCF computations are sketched.

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