
In this paper we propose multicast connection rerouting (MCoRe), a novel scheme for efficient multicasting in mobile asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. We investigate and evaluate McoRe's performance in mobile ATM networks in the presence of mobile source fand/or receivers. In the past, multicasting from and to mobile hosts in mobile ATM networks has not received much attention from researchers. MCoRe is based on active network (AN) technologies, where the computation required for rerouting connections is performed at switches. Due to intra-network processing, MCoRe is efficient, requires minimal buffer requirements, has low handoff latency and high reuse, and incurs low signaling overheads. Apart from that, MCoRe preserves cell ordering, prevents cell duplication and minimizes cell loss during source or receiver migration. We show how shortest path tree adapts to source migration without incurring high signaling overheads. With MCoRe, source migration is transparent to the multicast group members and does not entail reconstruction of existing multicast tree. We also show how receiver migration is achieved and how cell ordering is preserved, when the receiver rejoins the multicast session.

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