
This paper highlights McLaughlin's attention processing model in teaching reading skill and its implication for language pedagogy. The model places high emphasis on attention as a condition for effective learning to take place. Many related works on the model were reviewed. This paper using descriptive approach identifies the following as major implications of the attention processing model a learner requires awareness of what to learn in order to arouse his interest, relating present knowledge to past experience, constant practice, use of adequate visual instructional materials, among others, in order to improve the learning standard of the learners in McLaughlin's attention processing model in the teaching of reading skill. This study recommends that for a language teacher to carry the students along, he has to be a master of the content, methods and strategies as well as skills of teaching in the language learning process. The English language teachers should therefore provide conducive learning environment which recognizes the importance of attention and interest of the learners in the teaching and learning of reading skills in schools.

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