
In McCutcheon v. FEC, the Supreme Court tightened First Amendment limits on Congress’s authority to regulate campaign financing. McCutcheon ostensibly left in place the old regime that allows campaign-finance regulation so long as it strikes at quid pro quo corruption or its appearance. But two recurring themes in the McCutcheon opinion indicate that this standard will from hereon be more difficult to meet. One is that campaign-finance laws prevent individuals from participating meaningfully in democratic change. The second is that Congress cannot be trusted to pass campaign-finance laws because such laws are tainted by self-interest. As Chief Justice Roberts wrote in McCutcheon’s plurality opinion, “[T]hose who govern should be the last people to help decide who should govern.” This Essay argues that these two themes actually chart a way forward for those who wish to see greater regulation of campaign financing. If Congress were to hold a national referendum to reenact the limits the Supreme Court struck down in McCutcheon, those limits would be constitutional even though the same limits passed by Congress were not. The reason is that limits backed by a popular vote would satisfy McCutcheon’s concerns with congressional self-dealing while vindicating directly its concern with maximizing each individual’s opportunity to take an active part in democratic self-governance. Moreover, an answer from the People themselves to the most relevant question in any campaign-finance case — whether a practice gives rise to the appearance of corruption — is the best way one could imagine for discovering whether it does so. One might say that McCutcheon literally calls for a referendum on campaign finance. This Essay explores this notion in depth and closes by assessing the constitutionality and practicality of the referendum option.

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