
In this study, a cross section stochastic sampling (S.S.) capability is implemented into both the McCARD continuous energy Monte Carlo code and MIG multiple-correlated data sampling code. The ENDF/B-VII.1 covariance data based 30 group cross section sets and the SCALE6 covariance data based 44 group cross section sets are sampled by the MIG code. Through various uncertainty quantification (UQ) benchmark calculations, the McCARD/MIG results are verified to be consistent with the McCARD stand-alone sensitivity/uncertainty (S/U) results and the XSUSA S.S. results. UQ analyses for Three Mile Island Unit 1, Peach Bottom Unit 2, and Kozloduy-6 fuel pin problems are conducted to provide the uncertainties of keff and microscopic and macroscopic cross sections by the McCARD/MIG code system. Moreover, the SNU S/U formulations for uncertainty propagation in a MC depletion analysis are validated through a comparison with the McCARD/MIG S.S. results for the UAM Exercise I-1b burnup benchmark. It is therefore concluded that the SNU formulation based on the S/U method has the capability to accurately estimate the uncertainty propagation in a MC depletion analysis.

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