
Patricia Rooney McAtee, Ph.D., was the recipient of the Henry K. Silver Award of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners. The award, presented on October 22, 1978, was given for significant contributions to child health care and for the furtherance of the nurse practitioner movement's goals and objectives. Dr. McAtee has been a member of the faculty of the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine of the University of Colorado. She was one of the co-developers of the school nurse practitioner program, and is president of the National Board of Nurse Practitioners and Associates, which she was instrumental in developing. Patricia McAtee has been widely recognized for her contributions in the field of child health care. She was one of the first nurses to be elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and served on its committee to develop manpower policy for primary health care. She has been selected as a member of Who's Who of American Women and of Who's Who in America. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Pediatric Nursing and is the author of numerous articles which have appeared in nursing, medical, and school health journals. Dr. McAtee has been a pioneer in the development of the role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner/Associate in the delivery of primary child health care. She has been a major contributor to the concept of team delivery service and has been instrumental in promoting collaboration between medicine and nursing to provide more comprehensive child health care.

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