
Widespread adoption of model-centric development has created opportunities for software testing, with Model-Based Testing (MBT). MBT supports the generation of test cases from models and the demonstration of model and source-code compliance. Models evolve, much like source code. Thus, an important activity of MBT is selective regression testing, which selects test cases for retest based on model modifications, rather than source-code modifications. This activity explores relationships between model elements and test cases that traverse those elements to locate retest able test cases. We contribute an approach and prototype to model-based selective regression testing, whereby fine-grain traceability relationships among entities in models and test cases are persisted into a traceability infrastructure throughout the test generation process: the relationships represent reasons for test case creation and are used to select test cases for re-run. The approach builds upon existing regression test selection techniques and adopts scenarios as behavioral modeling perspective. We analyze precision, efficiency and safety of the approach through case studies and through theoretical and intuitive reasoning.

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