
By their conformational flexibility, Möbius aromatic hexaphyrins provide a dynamic chirality attractive to develop stimuli responsive systems such as chiroptical switches. A regular [28]hexaphyrin has been equipped with a chiral coordinating arm to achieve transfer of chirality from a fix stereogenic element to the dynamic Möbius one. The arm allows straightforward formation of labile monometallic ZnII complexes with an exogenous ligand, either a carboxylato or an amino with opposite inwards/outwards orientations relative to the Möbius ring. As a corollary, the chiral coordinating arm is constrained over the ring or laterally, inducing opposite P and M Möbius configurations with unprecedented high stereoselectivity (diast. excess greater than 95 %). By tuning the transfer of chirality, these achiral effectors generate electronic circular dichroism spectra with bisignate Cotton effect of opposite signs. Switching between distinct chiroptical states was ultimately achieved in mild conditions owing to ligand exchange, with high robustness (10 cycles).

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