
Emotional intelligence (EI) involves recognizing, regulating, and understanding emotions in oneself and others, enabling effective relationship management. Emotional Intelligence acts as a differentiator in both personal and professional lives. Nevertheless, many people lack the ability of conveying and interpreting human emotions efficiently due to which they fall short in their social and professional lives. However, this can be improved if people know their Emotional Quotient (EQ) score and work towards improving it by implementing certain skills. Although traditional methods for measuring EQ exist, majority of them are manual and are built on self-efficacy based questionnaire which are often susceptible to faking. In order to overcome these lacuna, this paper proposes a digital approach that can be used for an automatic evaluation of EQ of a person via audio visual signal input. The paper devises four major factors self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and social relationships with their weightages that can be utilised for automatic evaluation through the use of technology. The paper also proposes quantifiable parameters for measuring these factors. The proposed criteria were developed with the emergence of deep learning and its applicability in assessing a person's EQ in mind.

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