
No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. Clinical History: A 64–year–old woman presented to the emergency room with complaints of right arm pain for 2 months accompanied by subjective low-grade intermittent fevers. The patient’s past medical history was unremarkable and she had never had surgery. She had been a smoker for most of her life, at least 25-pack-years. She denied allergies, admitted to moderate daily alcohol use, and denied illicit drug use. The patient’s physical examination showed no clear focal abnormalities and she was afebrile. She did have some right scapular tenderness to palpation, although there were no abnormal skin changes over this region. Her pulse rate and blood pressure were within normal limits, and her room air oxygen saturation was 96%. Basic laboratory data, including a complete blood count and electrolytes were largely within the normal range. The patient’s white blood cell count was technically abnormal at 9.7 x109 (normal, 3.4 - 9.6 x …

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