
Video processing solutions for motion analysis are key tasks in many computer vision applications, ranging from human activity recognition to object detection. In particular, speed estimation algorithms may be relevant in contexts such as street monitoring and environment surveillance. In most realistic scenarios, the projection of a framed object of interest onto the image plane is likely to be affected by dynamic changes mainly related to perspective transformations or periodic behaviours. Therefore, advanced speed estimation techniques need to rely on robust algorithms for object detection that are able to deal with potential geometrical modifications. The proposed method is composed of a sequence of pre-processing operations, that aim to reduce or neglect perspectival effects affecting the objects of interest, followed by the estimation phase based on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) principle, where the speed of the foreground objects is estimated. The ML estimation method represents, indeed, a consolidated statistical tool that may be exploited to obtain reliable results. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a set of real video recordings and compared with a block-matching motion estimation algorithm. The obtained results indicate that the proposed method shows good and robust performance.

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