
Based on the success of the maximum entropy principle (MEP) in the study of semiflexible treelike polymers [M. Dolgushev and A. Blumen, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 044905 (2009)], it is of much interest to establish MEP's potential for general semiflexible polymers which contain loops. Here, we embark on this endeavor by considering discrete semiflexible polymer rings in a Rouse-type scheme. Now, for treelike polymers a beads-and-bonds (i.e., a discrete) picture is essential for an easy inclusion of branching points. Moreover, one may envisage (similar to our former work [M. Dolgushev and A. Blumen, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 044905 (2009)]) to impose for each angle between two bonds a distinct stiffness condition. Working in this way leads already for a polymer ring to a complicated problem. Hence, we follow a reduced variational approach as applied earlier to polymer chains, in which a single Lagrange multiplier is used for each set of identical conditions imposed on topologically equivalent bonds and bonds' orientations. In this way, we obtain for the discrete ring an analytically closed form which involves Chebyshev polynomials. This expression turns out to lead to a series of solutions: Apart from the regular solution, several other solutions appear. One may be tempted to discard the other solutions, since for them the potential energy matrix is not positive definite. A more careful analysis based on topological features suggests, however, that such solutions can be assigned to rings displaying knots. Monte Carlo simulations which take excluded volume interactions into account agree with our interpretation.

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