
The purpose of the article is to analyze the maxims regulating family and domestic relations in the artistic discourse of the prominent Bukovinian writer in terms of syntactic organization, verbal content and semantic diversity. The relevance of the scientific article is determined by the need to study individual verbal manifestations in the artistic discourse of the Bukovіnian writer for the formation of a coherent cognitive-pragmatic concept of her artistic discourse. Research methods. In the article as the main general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis are used, as well as linguistic – descriptive, structural methods and method of component analysis. The novelty of scientific research lies in deepening the study of the artistic discourse of O. Kobylyanska. In addition, the analysis of the maxims in O. Kobylyanska's texts has not yet been the subject of linguistic analysis. Conclusions. Maxims are autosemantic, relatively independent statements based on popular common sense, the writer's intellectual level and precedent phenomena. The class of maxims consists of paremias, which include author's modifications of paremias, sayings based on folk mythologems and author's maxims. Maxims function in the text as a separate statement or as part of the context. Folk paremias function as precedent phenomena in the form of a simple sentence. Author's maxims can take the form of identification sentences. Often, maxims are included in the constructions of vocations, taking the form of direct speech. We fix the author's maxims in the form of a rhetorical question and an exclamatory sentence. In the artistic discourse of O. Kobylyanska, a considerable group of maxims regulates family and household relations. Among them, certain thematic groupings can be distinguished: maxims of an instructive nature, maxims about love, gender characteristics, about women, about married life etc.

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