
The availability of crop by-products is huge during harvesting times as related to the vast agricultural land area; however, their utilization is still limited due to lack of knowledge and handling problem. Seasonal effect is obvious especially during wet season when high rainfall hinders proper management of crop by-products. Crop by-products are energy rich feedstuffs in the form of chemical substance such as cellulose and hemicellulose. The utilization of cellulose and hemicellulose as sources of energy can be maximized by the application of technologies to increase the digestibility. Cellulose is polymer of glucose while hemicellulose is polymer of xylose which both can be converted to volatile fatty acids by rumen microbial enzyme activities and subsequently used by the host animal as source of energy. In addition, cellulose and hemicellulose can also be used as substrates for bioethanol production leaving behind residual matter with higher concentration of protein which is also appropriate for ruminant feeds. The fat content of crop by-products such as those in rice bran and corn germ can be extracted for oil production that can be used for human consumption with concomitant production of high nutritive value of residues for ruminant feeds. The oil extraction technologies are available; however the high cost of ethanol and oil production should obtain high attention to make the technologies more applicable at farmers’ level. Key words: Crop by-products, energy, ethanol, residue, ruminant, feeds


  • Crop productions are always accompanied by waste products which are not the main objective of the agriculture

  • The chance of utilizing crop by-products as energy source, especially those consisting of cellulose and hemicellulose materials, for ruminant feeds may increase the advantage and the economic value of crop by-products

  • The results showed that fungal treatment increased the Crude Protein (CP), silica, Ca and P contents of the rice straw but the hemicellulose, Organic Matter (OM), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) and Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL) contents decreased

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Upaya Memaksimalkan Penggunaan Energi dari Hasil Samping Pertanian

Jumlah hasil samping pertanian sangat melimpah pada musim panen karena luasan panen yang sangat besar, namun sebagian besar tidak dimanfaatkan yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan atau kesulitan dalam penanganannya. Musim sangat mempengaruhi tingkat pemanfaatan hasil samping pertanian terutama pengelolaan yang tepat pada musim hujan. Hasil samping pertanian merupakan bahan sumber energi dalam bentuk energi kimia, seperti selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Pemanfaatan selulosa dan hemiselulosa dapat dimaksimalkan melalui penerapan teknologi peningkatan nilai kecernaan, terutama apabila digunakan untuk pakan ternak ruminansia. Selulosa merupakan polimer glukosa dan hemiselulosa merupakan polimer xilosa dapat dikonversikan menjadi asam lemak mudah terbang oleh aktivitas enzim mikroba rumen yang akan menjadi sumber energi bagi ternak. Kandungan lemak pada beberapa hasil samping pertanian antara lain dedak padi dan dedak jagung dapat diekstrak menjadi minyak goreng dengan hasil samping bahan pakan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk ternak ruminansia. Teknologi penanganan tersebut sudah tersedia, namun masalah tingginya biaya produksi harus mendapatkan perhatian agar dapat diterapkan di tingkat petani

Cellulose fraction and its glucose components
Glucose as source of energy
Residues of bioethanol production
Fat content and its economic advantage of crop byproducts
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