
The clinical role of maximizing the value of T1-201 scintigraphy, both at rest and during a graded exercise tolerance test, as well as variations on that theme, have been described. Technical aspects of scintigraphy have been reviewed in view of the many complex properties of this radionuclide, including photon detection and attenuation. Rest studies may be important in acute myocardial infarction to predict complications, survival, and reoccurrence. The potential for stress testing has been emphasized, as well as the apparent problems of such studies in patients at high-risk, such as those with definite angina and post-coronary by-pass surgery. A comprehensive approach to the complementary or exclusionary nature of T1-201 (or other potential myocardial perfusion imaging agents) and ventricular function analysis using radionuclide techniques will be left to the present and future seers, which, of course, hopefully include this author and his associates.

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