
Abstract Reservoir X-7, a watered-out reservoir in Field B, was successfully revived by perforating the original gas-cap zone to maximize oil recovery, which increased the recovery factor (RF) from 40% to 46%, resulting in approximately 2,300 BOPD through multiple perforations. Maintaining the oil column sandwiched between gas and water is the standard practice to maximize oil recovery in a strong water-drive reservoir. Despite having a strong aquifer and a thick gas cap, Reservoir X-7 has produced continuously for 30 years without any gas reinjection. The reservoir was producing at 99% watercut, indicating the original oil column was already swept. Subsequent material balance study and saturation log results confirm that oil migrated into the original gas cap. Given the reservoir condition, an unconventional approach was proposed to produce the oil column through the original gas-cap zone. The first gas-cap perforation for Well B-07 successfully produced 500 BOPD, so it was decided to perform three additional perforations (additional perforations) for Wells A-01, B-12, and B-16, which were successful with a total 2,000 BOPD oil gain from the three wells. Subsequent additional perforations was performed in Well B-07 after the original additional perforations watered out. However, the new additional perforations and subsequent ones in Well B-11 resulted in gas rather than oil. Both wells were shut in. Once the new perforations are watered out, the remaining oil potential in Reservoir X-7 will be confirmed by reopening well B-07 and B-11 until either oil or water is produced. The approach has so far provided approximately 2,300 BOPD of incremental oil production, extending well life by more than 24 months and allowing the RF to increase from 40% to 46%. It delivered encouraging results and opened up opportunities for other reservoirs. This paper provides valuable insight into the case study and lessons learned in terms of maximizing oil recovery using original gas-cap perforation. This approach is highly recommended as the production enhancement method for maximizing oil recovery, particularly in mature fields with similar reservoir conditions.

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