
We show that if the lower central series of the fundamental group of a closed oriented 3-manifold stabilizes then the maximal nilpotent quotient is a cyclic group, a quaternion 2-group cross an odd order cyclic group, or a Heisenberg group. These groups are well known to be precisely the nilpotent fundamental groups of closed oriented 3-manifolds. There are many different approaches to the study of 3-manifolds. There is a flourishing combinatorial school from Dehn, Papakryiakopoulos, Haken and Waldhausen to Gordon and Luecke, which has shown that many 3-manifold questions can be reduced to questions about the fundamental group. A co-equal off-shoot of the combinatorial school folds in dynamics and complex analysis. This is Thurston's program on geometrizing certain characteristic and simple pieces of 3-manifolds by showing that each is modelled locally on one of the eight 3-dimensional geometries (of which only the hyperbolic case is not fully understood). A third perspective on 3-manifolds is through quantuum field theory. The ideas of Witten, Jones, Vassiliev and many others have inspired tremendous activity and, in time, may contribute substantially to the topological understanding of 3-manifolds. This paper takes a fourth perspective by looking at a 3-manifold through nilpotent eyes, observing only the tower of nilpotent quotients of the fundamental group, but never the group itself. This point of view has a long history in the study of link complements and it arises naturally if one studies 3- and 4- dimensional manifolds together. For example, Stallings proved that for a link in S 3 certain nilpotent quotients of the fundamental group of the link complement are invariants of the topological concordance class of the link. These quotients contain the same information as Milnor's ¯ µ-invariants which are generalized linking numbers. For precise references about this area of research and the most recent applications to 4-manifolds see (5). Turaev (11) seems to have been the first to consider nilpotent quotients of closed 3-manifold rather than link complements. Much earlier, the nilpotent fundamental groups of closed 3-manifolds were classified. Thomas (10) showed in particular that statements (1) and (2) in the following Theorem 1 are equivalent.

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