
In this paper we prove an analogue of the discrete spherical maximal theorem of Magyar, Stein and Wainger, an analogue which concerns maximal functions associated to homogenous algebraic hypersurfaces. Let p be a homogenous polynomial in n variables with integer coefficients of degree d > 1. The maximal functions we consider are defined by $${A_*}f(y) = \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\sup } \\ {N \geq 1} \end{array}|\frac{1}{{r(N)}}\sum\limits_{p(x) = 0;x \in {{[N]}^n}} {f(y - x)|} $$ for functions f : ℤn → ℂ, where [N] = {−N,−N + 1, …, N} and r(N) represents the number of integral points on the surface defined by p(x) = 0 inside the n-cube [N]n. It is shown here that the operators A* are bounded on ℓp in the optimal range p > 1 under certain regularity assumptions on the polynomial p.

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