
An approximately 30-year-old intact female Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) was presented for annual examination and a history of ptyalism. A large 9.5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm, firm, round mass was identified attached to the hard palate on physical examination. A computed tomography scan was performed, and the heterogeneous, mineral-attenuating mass was seen arising from the right aspect of the palatine bone and extending rostrally to the level of the last maxillary molars, caudally into the oropharynx, and dorsally into the nasal choana. Surgical debulking was performed to remove the portion of the mass within the oral cavity. Histopathologic analysis was consistent with a keratinizing ameloblastoma. Nine months postoperatively, the patient was asymptomatic for the tumor. The patient was euthanized 23-months postoperatively, and severe diffuse pustular dermatitis, growth of the ameloblastoma on the hard palate, and various degenerative and aging changes were noted on necropsy at that time. This is the first report of an ameloblastoma in a member of the Ursidae family.

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