
Scheler never published a book or article on aesthetics, but he was very much interested in questions of aesthetics and the philosophy of art, and this throughout his life. Many of his writings contain shorter or longer reflections on various aesthetic problems, which delineate almost a whole system of aesthetics. The latter consists of three loosely connected main parts: (1) a theory of aesthetic values, (2) an aesthetics of nature, and (3) a philosophy of art. His aesthetics extends not only horizontally over a vast field of problems, but also vertically through several levels of reflection—namely, a fundamental level of principal problems, mainly understood as a phenomenology of aesthetic value and of the basic conceptions of art; an anthropological-hermeneutical level of individual and cultural experiences; and a level of metaphysical problems of value and art in the evolutionary dialectics of spirit (Geist) and life-drive (impulsion, Lebensdrang).

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