
The paper examines thè characteristics of Max Gobbo’s writing in his fantasy novel Alasia - The Iron Maiden. The novel is set in a dystopian XVI century Italy infested by demons, vampires and other strange creatures. The novel unfolds in a clear and flowing prose, supported by a simple and effective writing, expressing thè complexity of a world of darkness, in thè hands of devils. It is full of suspense, of comings and goings, of mythical evocations, as of dramatic moments and a humorous multitone irony.


  • La poetica della riscrittura dei m odi fantastici di M ax Gobbo si arricchisce con il rom anzo Alasia

  • Articles submitted for publication in thè journal should be sent by e-mail attachment to one of thè Editors: Paolo Orrù, Làszló Pete

  • Books for review should be sent at thè following address / I libri da recensire possono essere spediti all’indirizzo: Debreceni Egyetem, Olasz Tanszék, 4002 Debrecen, Pf. 400

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Rivista ufficiale del D ipartim ento di Italianistica d e ll’U n iv ersità di D eb recen Italianistica Debreceniensis rivista ufficiale del Dipartim ento di Italianistica dell’Università di D ebrecen officiai journal of thè Italian Studies Departm ent of thè University of Debrecen Comitato scientifico / Committee: Andrea Carteny (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”) Vera Gheno (Università degli Studi di Firenze/Accademia della Crusca)

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