
The relations between Max Weber and his younger brother Alfred have received little attention, and even in the case of the brothers’ joint projects Alfred Weber’s part was minimized or, indeed, suppressed. The article adopts an historical rather than a sociological approach in studying the university- and social policy of the Weber brothers. They argued for academic freedom in the universities, and despite some initial bickering succeeded in getting their ideas adopted by their colleagues at a University Professors Congress. Max was less tolerant of colleagues’ political and methodological position than his brother. Within the framework of the Verein für Sozialpolitik Max and Alfred Weber conjointly advocated social reforms on several occasions. However, the famous inquiry about the workers in large-scale industry led to a serious disagreement between them resulting in appropriate memoranda and lengthy discussions. The article challenges the presentation by the editors of the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe vol I/11. It was Alfred Weber who very early on initiated this inquiry, elaborated the initial plan of research and the questionnaires and codirected the investigations with Gustav Schmoller and Karl Bücher. Max Weber wrote a memorandum which was accepted as additional instruction for the researchers. Alfred Weber was interested in the personal fate of the industrial workers, Max Weber wanted to find out how the entrepreneur could increase their profitability. Max Weber considered the modern capitalist economic order as ‘an unalterable iron cage’ having emerged from the ascetic vocation of the Puritans. His brother denied the iron cage and suggested ways of humanizing the workers’ situation, for instance by job rotation. Above all he advocated permitting the individual – workers and white collar staff alike – to fully develop his personality during his professional life.

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