
The strategic alignment of business and Information Technology (IT) is an important element for an organization so that the organization can realize the benefits of information technology for the business they run. Technological advances, especially in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, made all organizations that wanted to win the competition not only implement technology in their business processes, but also had to align the use of information technology with non-IT units in the organization. The impact of the Industrial Revolution was felt in all fields, including education. In the midst of a lot of research on measuring the level of strategic alignment at higher education institutions, this research focuses on measuring the level of strategic alignment that has been carried out by institutions other than tertiary education, namely the IT Education and Consultation Institute in Yogyakarta. The model used in this alignment measurement is the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (SAMM). From this research it is known that the IT Education and Consultation Institute which actively provides consulting and education services specifically in the IT field, understands the importance of Strategic Alignment in Business and IT and applies them in carrying out its business activities. However, despite implementing IT best practices as what has been taught to its customers, this institution needs to realize and improve the areas of IT human resources, business communication and IT, and measuring the value of benefits and IT competence.


  • so that the organization can realize the benefits of information technology for the business

  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution was felt in all fields

  • this research focuses on measuring the level of strategic alignment

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Pendahuluan yang semakin konvergen melalui teknologi informasi

Negara-negara di dunia kini telah memasuki masa Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya konektivitas, interaksi, dan batas antara manusia, mesin, dan sumber daya lainnya dan komunikasi. Para pelaku dalam bidang pendidikan harus mampu menyesuaikan diri baik dari segi pengetahuan dan pengelolaan mereka untuk. Perlu untuk merancang strategi dan pembeda nilai dengan dukungan teknologi informasi (TI) [2]. Proses bisnis yang dijalankan dan Teknologi informasi. Tujuan utama dari Penyelarasan Teknologi dan Informasi Bisnis ini. Penyusunan Rekomendasi untuk Peningkatan Tingkat Keselarasan strategis bisnis dan TI untuk di bidang pendidikan seperti penelitian [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Yang menjadi objek penelitian ini memberikan Wawancara didasarkan pada pertanyaan kuesioner pelatihan dan pengajaran tentang kerangka kerja di keselarasan strategi bisnis dan TI berdasarkan model bidang TI kepada pihak lain yang membutuhkan. Lembaga yang secara aktif memberi pelatihan terhadap best practice kerangka kerja di bidang TI tersebut, juga menerapkannya dalam menjalankan roda bisnis lembaga tersebut

Metode Penelitian
Analisa Lembaga
Keahlian SDM TI
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Level Keselarasan Strategis Bisnis dan TI
Level Area SDM TI
Kemampuan rekrut dan mempertahankan sumber daya
Justifikasi Faktor dan TI
3.10. Rekomendasi keselarasan untuk peningkatan tingkat
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