
Mature specimens of the digenetic trematode Plagioporus maorum Allison, 1966 are reported from the renal sacs of two species of octopuses from two localities in New Zealand: Octopus maorum from Kaikoura and Robsonella australis from near Portobello. Allison's finding of sexually mature worms in 0. maorum is thus confirmed. A new host and locality record, and certain morphological details are also included. In December 1964 and January 1965 a number of octopuses were examined for parasites at two locations in New Zealand: The Edward Percival Marine Laboratory, Kaikoura; and the Portobello Marine Laboratory, Portobello. The primary objective was to study dicyemid mesozoans and many were found, but a certain number of the hosts also harbored digenetic trematodes in the renal sacs and adjacent body regions. Since these worms, without exception, contained eggs in utero and were otherwise also apparently mature, the finding was considered of some interest. The worms therefore were fixed and stored for later

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