
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of age, sex, and facial growth patterns on the maturation stage of midpalatal sutures. We selected 90 total skull cone-beam computed tomography scans and divided them into the following 3 groups: brachyfacial (n=30), mesofacial (n=30), and dolichofacial (n=30). These groups were determined using Ricketts VERT 3-dimensional cephalometric analysis. All patients were aged ≥18years and were divided into those aged≥30years and>30years. The maturational stage of the median palatine sutures was determined by evaluating the central transverse axial dimension in the maxillary-mandibular palate. Maturational stages were classified as A, B, C, D, and E. Of the 90 images reviewed, 55 (61.1%) were female patients, and 35 were male patients (38.9%). The age of patients ranged from 18 to 59years, with 55 patients aged<30years (61.1%) and 35 aged≥30years (38.9%). Regarding the maturational stages, 3.3% of brachyfacial, 6.7% of mesiofacial, and 16.7% of dolichofacial subjects (P=0.032) were classified as stages B and C. The patients' facial patterns were found to be a significant signal for the maturation stage of midpalatal sutures. Adult dolichofacial patients are the most likely to have stage B and C.

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