
AbstractReserpine, at doses of 20–175 μg per g body weight, severely retards oogenesis in newly emerged adult female migratory locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) but does not increase mortality during the first 9 days and only slightly delays somatic growth. Total protein, and hemolymph vitellogenin content particularly, are significantly reduced in reserpine‐treated locusts. The synthesis of juvenile hormone III (JH‐III) following adult emergence, essential for induction of vitellogenesis and subsequent oogenesis, is dependent on the maturation and activation of the corpora allata (CA). CA of 7‐ to 8‐day‐old female locusts, treated with reserpine at day 1 after adult emergence, are only marginally active in vitro and are only slightly stimulated by an allatotropic factor. The basal activity and response of CA from the reserpine‐treated locusts resembles that of newly emerged locusts, suggesting that reserpine specifically retards the initial maturation of the locust CA. Recovery of basal CA activity is evident on days 12–13 in reserpine‐treated locusts, but responsiveness to the allatotropic factor is not recovered. Starvation of newly emerged females for 3 days and subsequent feeding did not effect ooctye development or CA activity. Cerebral content of the allatotropic factor, assayed on days 7–8, is not reduced by the reserpine treatment.

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