
The development of the normal human heart, ranging from gestational age to the mature adult heart, relies on a very delicate and timely orchestrated order of processes. One of the most striking alterations in time is the gradual extinction of the ability for cardiomyocytes to proliferate. Once passing this event, cardiomyocytes grow and increase in contractile strength by means of physiological hypertrophy. This process, importantly, seems to depend on an adequate development of electromechanical coupling that is achieved by the appropriate formation of the intercellular junction named the intercalated disc (ICD). In this report, we describe two sudden death cases of young and apparently healthy-born individuals without external abnormalities compared to an age-matched control. Histological examination, including the comparison with the age-matched and histology-matched controls, showed a disturbed formation of the protein machinery composing the electromechanical junctions at the ICD and an increased nuclei count for both patients. As a cause or consequence, cardiomyocytes in both sudden death cases showed signs of a delayed developmental stage, presumably resulting in an exaggerated degree of hyperplasia.

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