
We consider the classical matroid matching problem. Unweighted matroid matching for linearly represented matroids was solved by Lovasz, and the problem is known to be intractable for general matroids. We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme for unweighted matroid matching for general matroids. In contrast, we show that natural linear-programming relaxations that have been studied have an $\Omega(n)$ integrality gap, and, moreover, $\Omega(n)$ rounds of the Sherali--Adams hierarchy are necessary to bring the gap down to a constant. More generally, for any fixed $k \geq 2$ and $\epsilon>0$, we obtain a $(k/2+\epsilon)$-approximation for matroid matching in $k$-uniform hypergraphs, also known as the matroid $k$-parity problem. As a consequence, we obtain a $(k/2+\epsilon)$-approximation for the problem of finding the maximum-cardinality set in the intersection of $k$ matroids. We also give a $3/2$-approximation for the weighted version of a special case of matroid matching, the matchoid problem.

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