
We present an explicit matrix algebra regularization of the algebra of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of the n-torus. That is, we approximate the corresponding classical Nambu brackets using mathfrak{sl}left({N}^{leftlceil frac{n}{2}rightrceil },mathrm{mathbb{C}}right) -matrices equipped with the finite bracket given by the completely anti-symmetrized matrix product, such that the classical brackets are retrieved in the N → ∞ limit. We then apply this approximation to the super 4-brane in 9 dimensions and give a regularized action in analogy with the matrix regularization of the supermembrane. This action exhibits a reduced gauge symmetry that we discuss from the viewpoint of L∞-algebras in a slight generalization to the construction of Lie 2-algebras from Bagger-Lambert 3-algebras.


  • We present an explicit matrix algebra regularization of the algebra of volumepreserving diffeomorphisms of the n-torus

  • We approximate the corresponding n classical Nambu brackets using sl(N 2, C)-matrices equipped with the finite bracket given by the completely anti-symmetrized matrix product, such that the classical brackets are retrieved in the N → ∞ limit

  • De Wit et al [6] proposed a finite-N regularization, in which the above action in the light-cone gauge is regularized by an appropriate sl(N, C)-matrix gauge theory. This was based on approximating the algebra of area-preserving diffeomorphisms which correspond to the residual symmetries of the supermembrane after imposing the light-cone gauge

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Gauge-fixed super p-brane actions and their matrix regularization

We shall first review the relevant facts concerning the gauge-fixing and regularization of the Green-Schwarz supermembrane action, which underlies the BFSS matrix model. More details and further background material can be found in the reviews [22, 23]. We discuss how the gauge-fixing generalizes to higher dimensional super p-brane actions and pose the problem of their matrix regularization

The supermembrane
General super p-branes
Matrix regularization of classical Nambu brackets
Quartic and higher 2n-tic matrices
The quartic case
The general case
Ordinary matrix representation
The cubic case
Gauging the super 4-brane action
Regularizing the super 4-brane action
The underlying gauge algebra
A Explicit calculations for generalized shift and clock matrices
B Proof of finite bracket regularization in the general case
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