
The interstitial lung disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is characterized by diffuse proliferation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs), which in many patients show TSC2 (tuberin) gene mutations, in addition to thickening of interstitial tissues, loss of alveoli, and the development of cystic spaces. While SMC proliferation is the defining feature of LAM, a significant proportion of LAM lung tissue consists of expanded interstitial connective tissue that is negative for smooth muscle actin and TSC2 mutations. The importance of this actin-negative interstitial tissue to the pathophysiology of LAM is not clear. The present study has determined the contribution of this interstitial tissue to LAM lung volume by morphometric analysis and has examined its cell and matrix proteoglycan composition by immunohistochemistry. Lung tissue from nine LAM patients and four control subjects was examined. LAM lung contained twice as much interstitial tissue as control lung (27% versus 13% of total lung volume), with SMCs accounting for less than 25% of the interstitial volume. Areas of interstitial tissue stained strongly for the matrix proteoglycans versican and biglycan. Decorin was prominent in association with collagen bundles. SMCs did not stain, or stained lightly, for proteoglycans. Versican and biglycan deposits were closely associated with actin-negative interstitial fibroblasts identified by prolyl 4-hydroxylase immuno-staining. Comparatively normal alveolar walls in LAM lung also stained strongly for versican and had a reduced elastin content. Thickened interstitial regions contained significant amounts of elastin (approximately 13% of interstitial volume) but with fibres in disorganized patterns. Elastic fibres were absent from areas that stained strongly for versican and biglycan. These areas also showed weak staining for elastin binding protein (EBP), consistent with proteoglycan-induced shedding of EBP and inhibition of elastic fibre formation. These findings point to a significant contribution from matrix proteoglycans to the expanded and remodelled interstitial lung tissue of LAM patients.

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