
The study of low-dimensional, strongly-interacting quantum systems has been of interest in the past few decades due to new and exotic physics that show great potential in the advancement of fundamental physics as well as technological applications. In order to investigate such systems, a vast number of techniques have been developed throughout the years, all of which have their respective strengths and weaknesses. In the world of one-dimensional (1D) quantum systems, the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm and matrix product states (MPS) have proven to be powerful and reliable tools that provide invaluable information while providing a wide range of data that support both theoretical and experimental studies. Coupled with the development and refinement of tensor networks - an ansatz for quantum many-body wavefunctions, in particular MPS, the DMRG algorithm has seen a spike of improvements that has pushed the boundaries of its application into more sophisticated and complex systems.This thesis broadly covers the study of several 1D many-body quantum systems represented by infinite MPS (iMPS) - a class of ansatz that represent translationally-invariant, 1D many-body quantum states. More specifically, it is divided into two main parts.The first part investigates the 1D topological Kondo insulator (TKI). This is an effective model designed to investigate how strong interactions between conduction electrons and localized moments result in a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase, specifically the Haldane phase. By studying the effect of the electron repulsion as well as the competition between the local and non-local couplings between the electrons and the local moments, it is found that a topological phase transition from the SPT phase to a topologically trivial phase occurs with the assistance of electron interaction. The properties of both topologically trivial and nontrivial groundstates were revealed via means of quantum information theoretic quantities such as the entanglement entropy, entanglement spectrum and non-local order parameters. These quantities unveil the nature, structure and the effect that the different interactions have on the groundstate properties. Besides the phases, the properties of the critical point was studied and classified. By obtaining the critical exponents and central charge, the universality class of this transition was found to be that of 1D free fermions/bosons. Furthermore, the presence of electron interactions was found not to alter this universality class.The second part of this thesis is a project that stems from the necessity to overcome the inherent limitation of an iMPS in representing a system at a cusp of a quantum phase transition (QPT), specifically, in determining the critical point and exponents. In the thermodynamic limit, the laws of statistical mechanics dictates that the system’s correlation length diverges at the critical point. However, when representing a critical state with an iMPS, the finite bond dimension implies that the correlation length of the iMPS remains finite, albeit large. This presents a fundamental challenge in extracting critical data since the critical exponents are defined for systems in the thermodynamic limit. To overcome this shortcoming, finite-entanglement scaling (FES) - the analog of finite-size scaling, has previously been used to locate the critical point and extract the critical exponents for systems represented by finite-bond dimensional iMPS. While FES serves its purpose sufficiently well, the computational cost is high for just about any moderately complex, real-world system. To overcome such difficulties, the second part of this thesis combines new ideas of using higher-order cumulants of the order parameter with previously-known iMPS techniques to determine the critical point and extract the exponents, thus relating statistical mechanics of QPTs and tensor networks of critical states. Some of the main methods used and developed here are FES, the application of the Binder cumulant in iMPS and the new cumulant exponent relation. Putting these tools together provides a scheme that can be used to efficiently locate the critical point and extract the critical exponents at a lower computational cost than previously-known methods. This is shown through comparisons of several exemplary models such as the 1D and quasi-1D transverse field Ising model, the 1D TKI, the S = 1 Heisenberg chain with single-ion anisotropy and the 1D Bose-Hubbard model.

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