
Beta-gamma directional correlation measurements as a function of beta-energy have been made on the cascades β(1.590)-γ(0.722) and β(1.667)-γ(0.645) in the decay of 124Sb and on the cascades β(1.750)-γ(0.087) and β(1.540)-γ(0.197) in the decay of 160Tb. A high-resolution Ge(Li) gamma detector was used, providing a significant improvement in the accuracy of the measurements. The data and the ft values are used to determine the nuclear matrix elements for the 1.590 MeV beta transition and for the 1.750 MeV beta transition. In each case, two sets of matrix elements were found to fit the data well, and arguments based on the CVC theory and nuclear models are used to select the best set. The matrix elements are compared with those measured for hindered beta transitions in other nuclei. The matrix element analyses of the 1.667 MeV transition in 124Sb and the 1.540 MeV transition in 160Tb both met with difficulties.

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