
Abstract The pharmacokinetics of resveratrol in 11 healthy male volunteers has been assessed in a randomized, crossover, controlled clinical trial after the administration of three grape products: red wine (250 mL), grape juice (1/L), or tablets (red wine extracts enriched with trans -resveratrol). Doses of trans -resveratrol independently of the product administered, were about 14 μg/kg. Biological samples were collected and analysed by capillary gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. cis -Resveratrol, trans- resveratrol and dihydroresveratrol were determined in plasma and urine. Plasma concentration of trans- resveratrol after hydrolysis increased as a response to all grape products and that of cis -resveratrol after wine and grape juice. Free forms of these phenolic compounds were deemed undetectable in plasma. Despite similar trans- resveratrol doses being administered, its bioavailability from wine and grape juice was 6-fold higher, than that from tablets. Resveratrol was better absorbed from natural grape products than from tablets, pointing out the importance of the matrix in its bioavailability.

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