
Polynomials are widely employed to represent numbers derived from mathematical operations in nearly all areas of mathematics. The ability to factor polynomials entirely into linear components allows for a wide range of problem simplifications. This paper presents and demonstrates a novel straightforward approach to solving polynomial problems by converting them to matrix equations. Each polynomial of degree n can be decomposed into a sum of degree ⌈n2⌉ polynomials squared, i.e., ∑i=0naixi=∑i=1⌈n2⌉+1∑j=0j=⌈n2⌉bi,jxj2. It follows that the complexity of factorizing a polynomial of degree 2n is equivalent to that of factorizing polynomial of degree 2n−1. The proposed method for solving fourth-degree polynomials will be a valuable contribution to linear algebra due to its simplicity compared to the current method. This work presents a unique approach to solving polynomials of four or fewer degrees and presents new possibilities for tackling larger degrees. Additionally, our methodology can also be used for educational purposes.

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