
Many idealist philosophers are looking for the very roots of mysticism, mainly in the german works of Eckhart, Tauler and Suso. Franz von Baader, who very much appreciated the reading of the german preachings of Eckhart, as much as he called Eckhart : « The main thinker of the religious thought in the Middle Ages » is at the origin of this mouvement. In 1824, he introduces his friend Hegel in the reading of Eckhart. The Berlin's philosopher finds there ratification of his own philosophy of Mind and the approuvai of his idealistic interpretation of the world. We tried to appreciate the meaning of this comparison, especially about the dialectique and me concept of God. We also tried to understand better how, by the work on language mainly, the eckhartian thought announces and prepares the hegelian dialectique. Finally, we tried to precise, in its broad outlines, the reception of the hegelian dialectique.

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