
At the National Bison Range (western Montana, USA), pronghorn (Antilocapra american) maintained a territorial mating system from as early as 1965 through 1978. Preliminary observations in 1981 suggested that the mating system had changed. Data from the ruts, 1982–1984 revealed a progressive decay in territoriality. In this paper, data from the “territorial years” 1969–1978 are contrasted with data from the “decay years” 1982–1984, with results as follow: 1. In 1982–84, fewer territories were defended than in 1969–78. This was attributable to a smaller proportion of males defending territories in 1982–84, not to a smaller number of males. 2. In 1982–84, most territory owners either abandoned their territories early in ruts, or lost control of females on them following frequent, persistent intrusions by non-territorial males. Abandonment and loss of control did not occur in 1969–78. 3. In 1982–84, territorial males that maintained control of females on their territories did so by shrinking their zones of defense to small areas around female groups. 4. In 1982–84, following the disruption or severe disturbance of all territories, many females left territories, and mated elsewhere, with non-territorial males. In 1969–78, most females remained on territories throughout rut, and mated with territory owners. —The mating system change followed catastrophic winter mortality, 1978–79, that removed 75% of the males, including all males older than 5 years, and all male fawns, from the population. In 1982–84, the number of males present was not different from the number of males in 1969–1978, but the frequency distribution of male ages was strongly shifted toward younger ages. The small number of older males, 1982–84, likely resulted in smaller proportions of males initially defending territories, and in less effective territory defense. When females then clustered on the few territories where defense was at first successful, they attracted large numbers of non-territorial males. The resulting high rates of raids on these territories, coupled with reduced defense radii by territorial males, allowed females only 12% reclining time (summer percentage was 39%). This increased energy cost, plus an apparently greater risk of injury on weakly defended territories, appeared to prompt many females to seek calmer matings elsewhere. Also, if female pronghorn practiced mate selection based upon horn or body size, they may have reduced their efforts to remain on territories in 1982–84. Males from 1969–78 were larger than males from 1982–84, and showed greater variance in horn size. At least two conditions appear to influence the tendency of males to be territorial. First, males must be at least three years old before they attempt to defend a territory. Second, the declining proportion of males defending territories, 1982–84, that coincided with an increasing number of males three years and older, suggests that males also decide whether or not to attempt territory defense based upon the frequency of territorial defense in the population.

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